A BER for your business premises

A commercial BER is a BER cert for a commercial Building. They are usually required when a commercial building is being sold or rented (new lease agreement commencing). To carry out a commercial BER an assessor must visit the property and record all information required. Once all the information has been collected the assessor inputs the information into a software package which then produces the Certificate. The Certificate can then be emailed or posted to the owner of the commercial building.
Commercial BER Certs are generally more expensive than domestic BER Certs. The two reasons for this is the €45 registration charge that is paid on each Certificate to SEAI and the extra work that is involved in inputting the information to the software package. Typically BER Certs costs start at €250 for the smallest building.
It is also worth noting that, as with domestic properties, there is no pass or fail with the BER cert. Once a BER cert has been completed then the sale of the building can be processed.
Commercial premises include all properties that are not classified as domestic dwellings. Such properties include shops, shopping center premises, factories, offices, warehouses etc. The only exception is in the case of a protected structures or if the owner can manage to get the County Council Building Control unit to officially classify the commercial building uninhabitable. From experience we have found that it is easier to carry out a BER as opposed to waiting for the Building Control to classify a building uninhabitable.